On the return trip we stopped in Colorado to visit Belinda's parents and we saw the the fall colors in Colorado. The aspens were resplendent. We are home now and want to thank everyone who followed the blog; your comments helped us keeping going day by day. We really felt we were sharing our journey with others.
Welcome Home! and Congratulations!
Your final pictures are so beautiful-you've set an amazingly high bar for such a long time. What an incredible inspiration and delight.
love, mas
Glad you're back safe and sound.
I'm glad you are all back in three pieces (one piece each that is). Jack must have some real adventure stories to tell his buddies in Salinas. We're still doing grape harvest, Dave, so if you are feeling vineyard withdrawal...
Thanks Mark, it's nice to be home.. but already talk around the table is going toward new travel. BTW your pictures of the Sawtooth are amazing! Thanks for sharing those. See you soon.
Thank you Michael for your interest and support of our journey.We look forward to meeting you someday.
Thanks Riesa, Jack is a much more worldly dog now. Hmmm..grape harvest.. buckets.. pinched fingers..Hmm.
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