Just after we left Blanding on Wednesday via Hwy 191 we rode past Recapture Reservoir and the reflection could not be ignored. The day was fairly easy with rolling country except for about ten miles of newly laid chipseal which gummed up our tires and reflected all the heat of the day on us. The country gradually became more agricultural in nature with winter wheat and alfalfa greening the landscape. The highlight of the day was the Colorado border where we took this picture just before crossing the street and having a couple o' beers at the Stateline Tavern.

We knew this was an exceptional establishment when we noticed the front door stop was an prosthetic leg with a boot on. The biker proprietor regaled us with stories of the natural wonders of the area infused with a healthy dose of politics as well. In Dove Creek there was no obvious place for us to stay, so we checked in at the Sheriff's office, and they allowed us to pitch our tents in the one city park that had bath rooms. Today, Thursday, we rode out of Dove Creek on Hwy 491 through more rolling agricultural land. The region is known as the Pinto Bean Capital of the World. In Lewis we turned on Hwy. 184 and gently ascended past Narraguinnep Reservoir. After a 500 ft. climb we descended into Dolores where we are staying tonight. With the exception of yet another flat tire early in the day, the day was easy and uneventful. In Dolores the first order of business was to get to the bike shop and obtain new tires with better puncture resistance and new inner tubes (our old ones being much patched).
hey guys, talking to mr. budlong; trying to connect. Good to hear from ya
give my best to john; got his postcard yesterday. Make sure he gives me email/contact once he departs from you'ze guyz........
Hey Bill, howz life back on the farm? It looks like John will be with us to Denver where he has a friend. He says howdy back. Well, Utah made Nevada look like a warm up. It's nice to be back in a State where we can buy booze again. We miss ya, but are carrying on anyway. Belinda sends her love
Hi you 2 and Jack: gkad you're in COLORADO! I'll be in LGM from 6-16 PM on til 7-2. Let us know when you guys get close to us. You have our home tel 970-668-2060, if no1 there try: 970-333-0501 or 303-437-2060 and we'll hook up!!!!!!!!! Excited about it...........Gisela
PS: will be in LGM from 6-26 (not 16)....
Great photos and commentary. How are you guys feeling physically? Your endurance must be off the charts. We're trying to burn up here - with wildfires. First it was Santa Cruz and currently its the "Indians" area near Arroyo Seco/Los Padres Forest which is still out of control. Ash has been raining down on our house for days.
About work: Riesa is steadfast in her position regarding cluster counting so it's up to Evan and I or any available warm body. Since I haven't actually done it yet, I may join her camp. Things are about the same at the office..no new hires yet.
Look forward to pics and notes from Colorado.
Thanks for the numbers, I think we'll be in Longmont around the 30th if all goes well. Will give you a call from Denver.
I do think we are getting stronger. Yesterday (see new post) we climbed 2900 ft. and rode 67 miles and did not feel ready for the grave (as on past occasions).
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