The ride out of Montrose began innocently enough. The morning was clear and the uphill grade gentle. As we were leaving town we began to be passed by a parade of faster cyclists on unloaded bikes. We had unwittingly joined the Bike Tour of Colorado. After a while the tour turned off Highway 50 and we were once again alone. Soon we were climbing more steeply up the first of two passes for the day's ride. As the day wore on the thunder head clouds began to build. The picture above was taken from Blue Mesa Pass. By the time we reached this summit we had climbed 3500 ft. and were quite tired. We were taking a break at the top for rest and a snack but our rest was soon interupted by the crash of thunder and rain. We got on our bikes and got off the pass pronto! Somehow our fatigue had suddenly disappeared! In the next hour or so we were soaked and then dried. After a long tiring day in the saddle we made to Blue Mesa Reservoir and made camp at Red Creek, where these pictures were made.

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